Thursday, June 15, 2017

Day 4: The sand vessel is out of our hands

We began the day with more cleaning of the glass to help get the sides completely clean of silicone. We also tried a new solvent, acetone, but the effects were minimal and acted more like Windex. Then began using Arduino and programming it to average three readings continuously. To be able to test the pressure sensors we made a good system to measure and keep the pressure sensors at the actual depth and to keep it level. We then took those averages and made graphs to see how far the pressure sensors are off and, how accurate they actually are. When we were talking as a group we decided that we would not want to put the sand vessel back together because of the large risk of leaking or breaking. So we called up some experts in building fish tanks at Aquatic Environments and they told us that they should be able to finish the sand vessel in about a week. To confirm that they would be able to make the sand vessel we took another field trip to the aquarium store and showed them how the vessel actually assembled and they said there should not be a problem.

This is the system we created to work on the pressure sensors 

At  Aquatic Environments 

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