Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 7: In the beginning it was dark.

In the beginning we did more testing of the pressure transducers. We tried increasing the number of digits, but it didn't help. We then did more testing of the programs with the pressure transducers using five gallon buckets to pump water into one another. We put pressure transducer A in a bucket with a constant level of water over it. We then put water in a second bucket with a pump and continuasly pumped water into a third bucket, where pressure transducers B and two pumps were located. Andrew got the program to be able to control the pumps and make the pumps turn on when the water level in the third bucket got over a certain height. We looked at an article we got from an interlibrary loan. We also got the EC meter out and we got it to start working. Later, we also brainstormed ideas to be able to hold the pressure transducers in place during the actual experiment rather than having them taped to the side. We came up with an idea to take small metal pieces and hang them over one side of the glass. We also started looking into why the water's electrolytic conductivity was not as high as expected in a previous experiment.
measuring the sand 

Finally got the pumps and sensors to work.
Proud of his coding

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