Thursday, July 6, 2017

Augustana Research Get Together and Group Picture!

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, table and indoor

Image may contain: food


  1. To-do list
    Ethan- finish stand
    Andrew- do we have more ideas to try about binning? If not try to figure out oscilloscope. And look more at math derivation, work on equation for going up. Sensor stuff is number one priority.
    Sheiny-ec logging, on Friday we didn't get 600 data points, right? See if there is a different mode for that. Continue with ec experiment.
    Susa-prepare northern widget email, have Andrew review it.
    Even if we can't get sensors working right, we can still do threshold experiment and feed in the expected head levels on top. It's less than ideal, but will give us data for final presentation. Maybe aim for a really real run next Wednesday?
    Susa-show netlogo model
    Everyone, work on presentation slides-lots to do there. (Move stuff from today over there and expand on it.) Add calibration method with graphs, add pictures of all the constructed stuff.

  2. One more priority is dealing with possible rust issue. Let's get it cleaned out, dry and add some silicone to the middle divide to maybe keep water from getting to edges of the metal.
