Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 19: More Preparations

No injuries!

This morning Ethan put sand back into Flossy. It's a process that takes hours, as it's important to sprinkle the sand into water, layer by layer. This is to keep the sand more homogeneous than having dumped all of the sand in at once, and to keep air pockets out of the sand. He also started 3D printing the square dividers that will be used later. The square dividers are meant to allow for sediments of different compositions to be placed inside of Flossy.

Sheiny spent hours today cleaning the red dye out of the sand from the previous trial runs. This is very time consuming, yet she also found time to mess with the EC meter some more.

I came in late, as I had a previous commitment this morning. I took another set of data points in our calibration set up, using our new method of gathering the data. Once again, there is significant binning happening. I set up the bucket experiment I had last time to see if it made nice triangles the way it did last Friday, and those triangles were still there. It's hard to understand what's happening with this Arduino and its sensors. At this point, I think we've given up on it gather nice, clean data.

To pass the time today, the group solved 4 or 5 cases of mysterious deaths, and helped a group of gnomes figure out hat colors. All in a day's work.

I might be killed for not having labeled the axes. But this is the nice part lines from the testing in buckets.

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