Monday, June 26, 2017

Day 11: time sure does fly

Day without accident: 2

Today we all did a different thing. Today I tested the theory by comparing if the glass container and plastic container will have a difference in EC reading. Guess what, it's not! We are happy with the result, it really does make a good graph and it also proves the neither plastic nor the glass does anything to EC meter whatsoever.

We tested using 9 different diameters container of plastic materials and 7 different diameters of glass materials. Test with the meter while the water level is close to the surface and we got pretty consistent reads. We also mixed some salt solutions to be used tomorrow.

Plastic graduated cylinder with different diameters. 

Tap water measured with different containers

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely graph! I am excited to see the salt water one.
