Tuesday, June 27, 2017

day 12: exciting...

So, there's a discrepancy in the USRI calendar, some information is missing from the calendar. We are scheduled for a hike tomorrow, but it seems like there's going to be rain so Dr. Stonedahl, Ethan, and Andrew planned another hike to Credit Island today at 7pm.

We wrote a blog post for the USRI blog.

Ethan is done with the tank divider, and now working on the sand grid maker. Andrew did some debugging on the library code, and the good news is that it seems to be working perfectly. The bad news is it only works on Dr. Stonedahl computer and won't upload from any other machine. Sheiny got a beautiful graph from her experiment that shows it doesn't matter if plastic or glass medium is being used. And more importantly that there's a consistent fraction creating error at each diameter.  She'll try the saltiest solution tomorrow, but it looks promising so far. We found that after approximately 7 cm, the readings are accurate.

Working hard
working pump!
waiting for the tank to cure!
testing the sand dripping with the dye!

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